Saturday 1.18.25

CrossFit - Sat, Jan 18 📰 Gym Briefing Yoga: January 18th, 10:15-11:15am -Metcon- My Little [...]

Friday 1.17.25

CrossFit - Fri, Jan 17 📰 Gym Briefing Yoga: January 18th, 10:15-11:15am -Strength- Deadlift Building [...]

Thursday 1.16.25

CrossFit - Thu, Jan 16 📰 Gym Briefing Yoga: January 18th, 10:15-11:15am -Metcon- Oil & [...]

Wednesday 1.15.25

CrossFit - Wed, Jan 15 📰 Gym Briefing Yoga: January 18th, 10:15-11:15am -Metcon- Tri Sprint [...]

Tuesday 1.14.25

CrossFit - Tue, Jan 14 Gym Briefing Yoga: January 18th, 10:15-11:15am -Strength- Bench Press 1-1-1 [...]

  • Meet Clarissa!

    Birthday: December 17th

    Favorite Movement/WOD: 
    Power Clean

    Life Outside the Gym:
    I am a senior technical writer, and when I’m not working, I’m hanging out with my dog, Nymera. I also enjoy reading, playing video games, singing, dancing, and binge-watching TV shows/movies.

    Most Spontaneous Thing You’ve Ever Done:
    Up and left my hometown to move to another state within a month.

    Two Truths and A Lie:
    1. I played college basketball
    2. I am a middle child with two brothers
    3. I have had three different tears in my knee over the years

    Take your best guess and find her at the gym to get the answer!