-Bachelors of Exercise Science from Arizona State University
-CrossFit Level 1
-CrossFit Level 2

-Masters Degree in Exercise Science
-CrossFit Level 1
-CrossFit Level 2
-USA Weightlifting Level 1
-NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
Due to a hamstring injury my last year of track, I was unable to run track at the collegiate level. Instead, I turned towards intramural sports and the globo gym style of working out. I first heard of CrossFit through a college friend and gave it a shot. I was hooked on the community and the ability to see your hard work pay off. I wanted to help others achieve their goals which is why I decided to take the CrossFit trainer’s course. The most rewarding part for me is helping someone with a movement whether it’s lifts or gymnastics and seeing the light turn on in their head when they get it.
“Find you weaknesses, make friends with them, then beat them to death.”
– Chris Spealler
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Arizona, I found CrossFit. I am finishing my final semester at the University of Arizona for Nutritional Science before I continue to my masters to get my registered dietitian license. I’ve experienced the benefits of proper nutrition on performance. Helping people make sure they are getting the appropriate nutrition to maximize results in their training is my passion.
– NASM Sports Nutrition Coach
– NASM Certified Personal Trainer
– 4th year Nutrition Student at University of Arizona
“Nothing worth having comes easy.”

– CrossFit Level 1
– CrossFit Level 2
“Nothing worth having comes easy.”