Thursday 6.27.24

CrossFit - Thu, Jun 27 📰 Gym Briefing 4th of July Schedule: 5am, 6am, 7am, [...]

Wednesday 6.26.26

CrossFit - Wed, Jun 26 📰 Gym Briefing 4th of July Schedule: 5am, 6am, 7am, [...]

Tuesday 6.25.24

📰 Gym Briefing 4th of July Schedule: 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, and 9am Classes *No [...]

Monday 6.24.24

📰 Gym Briefing 4th of July Schedule: 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, and 9am Classes *No [...]

Saturday 6.22.24

CrossFit - Sat, Jun 22 -Metcon- The Powers That Be Partner Workout 3 Rounds For [...]

Friday 6.21.24

CrossFit - Fri, Jun 21 -Strength- Back Squat 4 Sets [Same Weight Across]: 6 Back [...]

Thursday 6.20.24

-Metcon- Hold It Together Partner Workout For Time: 30 Min Cap 200/160 Calorie Row 150 [...]

Wednesday 6.19.24

-Strength- Power Clean Building to a heavy single. -Metcon- Hell End 3 Rounds For Time: [...]

Tuesday 6.18.24

CrossFit - Tue, Jun 18 -Metcon- Ground Rule Double 5 Rounds For Time: 30 Min [...]

Monday 6.17.24

CrossFit - Mon, Jun 17 -Strength- Bench Press Building to a heavy set of 2. [...]

Saturday 6.15.24

-Metcon- Full Bean Partner Workout For Time: 30 Min Cap 400m Run 30 Wallballs (30/20) [...]

Wednesday 6.12.24

-Strength- Power Clean Complex Build to a heavy unbroken set of: 3 Deadlift 2 Hang [...]

Tuesday 6.11.24

-Strength- Overhead Squat Building to a heavy single. -Metcon- Nancay For Time: 12 Min Cap [...]

Monday 6.10.24

-Strength- Bench Press Building to a heavy set of 4. -Metcon- Joyride 6 Rounds For [...]

Saturday 6.8.24

📰 Gym Briefing CBCF 10 Year Anniversary Party! Come join us June 8th as we [...]

Friday 6.7.24

📰 Gym Briefing CBCF 10 Year Anniversary Party! Come join us June 8th as we [...]

Thursday 6.6.24

📰 Gym Briefing CBCF 10 Year Anniversary Party! Come join us June 8th as we [...]

Wednesday 6.5.24

📰 Gym Briefing CBCF 10 Year Anniversary Party! Come join us June 8th as we [...]

Tuesday 6.4.24

📰 Gym Briefing CBCF 10 Year Anniversary Party! Come join us June 8th as we [...]

Monday 6.3.24

📰 Gym Briefing CBCF 10 Year Anniversary Party! Come join us June 8th as we [...]

Friday 5.31.24

📰 Gym Briefing June 1st: Member Event What: Deep End Fitness Pool Session - This [...]

Thursday 5.30.24

Gym Briefing June 1st: Member Event What: Deep End Fitness Pool Session - This is [...]

Wednesday 5.29.24

📰 Gym Briefing June 1st: Member Event What: Deep End Fitness Pool Session - This [...]

Tuesday 5.28.24

📰 Gym Briefing June 1st: Member Event What: Deep End Fitness Pool Session - This [...]